Soon, people will be pulling out their lawn chairs and running their air conditioners on full blast just to get some much-needed relief during the most stifling days of summer. It can be exciting to know that you will soon be having air conditioning installation taking place in your home, so you might want to ensure that your HVAC technician is able to complete this service as easily as possible. There are a couple of simple things that you can check around your house to make sure that your air conditioning installation appointment goes off without a hitch.
Make Your Backyard Accessible
To keep the new central air conditioning unit in your home working, you will also need to have an air conditioner compressor somewhere on your property, which will most likely be your yard. If you have lots of weeds or an abundance of tall shrubbery, now is the time to get out there and trim everything down well ahead of your air conditioning installation appointment. You wouldn't want to have the installation process delayed because your installation technician just can't figure out where your air compressor should go.
Know Where Want Your Vents Installed
There are clear advantages to living in a home that has forced air vents located on the ground. Your home will cool off quickly and more evenly, and it will take less power in order to get your home's interior to just the right temperature. On the other hand, some consider floor vents to be a nuisance, particularly when it comes to vacuuming and preventing dirt from getting inside.
You can tell your air conditioning installation technician that you prefer to have all vents situated on the walls, but keep in mind that changing the proposed placement of air ducts in your home can make installation more expensive overall. Take your HVAC technician's advice when it comes to energy efficiency and costs, and take those factors into account when you decide where it will be best to permanently install your home's air vents and duct work.
Be Prepared To Be Taught How To Use Your New Thermostat
Once air conditioning installation is complete in your home, you will only need to do very general maintenance and work the controls to get cooling relief inside. Your HVAC installation technician will want to spent a moment going over the control mechanisms inside of your new thermostat. In addition to learning how to turn the AC on and off, you should be shown how to both reset your system and do some basic troubleshooting.